Happy Granny Square Day!

Hi all and best wishes for a super Granny Square Day! I hope to add to your enjoyment with an easy make: a gift bag made with just one square. You can make it with any granny square and in any size you want. I have prepared a full tutorial with photos that you can buy as an inexpensive pdf on Ravelry; however, you can find the instructions below. And to make things merrier let’s have a competition! Post the picture of your granny square bag made with my tutorial on Instagram tagging #supernovacrochet and win a surprise prize! I’ll…

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Grand opening giveaway!

Here we are! The website is officially open, although small it’s going to grow over time, with your help too if you want 🙂 I’m having another surprise giveaway, so if you leave a comment here below you can have one extra entry! Please let me know what you’d like to see on my website, what you look for the most (and have difficult finding), whatever! Thank you for your contribution and… good luck! PS: don’t forget to tell me your IG handle so I can add the entry to your chances 🙂

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